Fridays of Lent
7 / March - 4 / April
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross will be prayed each Friday morning in English during Lent immediately following the 8:30 AM Mass and in the evening at 6:30 PM in a bilingual service.
Be sure to join us for a delicious Lenten Dinner and fellowship in the Parish Hall immediately following the evening Stations. The suggested donation for the dinner is $7 for adults, $5 for children and $20 for a family of 5 or more.
All Lenten Dinners are meatless and will be sponsored by various ministries.
Lent & Easter Liturgy Schedule


“Give and gifts will be given to you” – Luke 6:38
Please prayerfully consider making a pledge for the 2025 PSA Appeal. Contributions to the Pastoral Services Appeal, or PSA, are used by the Diocese of Orange to support various programs and ministries that further the mission of our Catholic faith: helping others find a path towards Jesus Christ. These ministries and services include Catholic Education, Catholic Charities of Orange County, Seminarian Formation, Vocations, The Permanent Diaconate, Priest Retirement, and so much more. In fact, for every dollar given, 95 cents goes directly to fund the vital initiative in our local Church. Only 5% of your contribution is used for administrative, communications and/or fundraising costs (national average is 20%).
Donation brochures are available now in the church and the Parish Office. For any questions about the PSA, please contact Andy Sison at 714-842-3000 ext. 123 or manager@svdphb.org

Upcoming Events
- Mon, May 19Tijeras Creek Golf Club
Joining our parish is more than just signing-up! We have an active and prayerful parish with many opportunities for you to worship with us and to share our life in Christ. You may learn more about the parish by browsing through the pages of this website or downloading a weekly bulletin.